Installation of System 6.0.5 is just a bit more complicated. First, check your System to determine its revision level. The Installer will not replace a version more recent/newer than 6.0.5. Lay out your new disks. You should have System Tools, Utilities 1, Utilities 2 and Printing Tools.
Remove or disable all virus and security programs from the System Folder and place on the desktop temporarily to avoid conflicts and bombs. Shut down or Restart using the new System Tools as your startup disk. Open the System Tools disk icon and click on the “Installer”. At this point, you simply follow the dialog prompts to complete installation. The only snag my Hero encountered when installing 6.0.5 on his SE was that after all was complete, he discovered the SE was making strange sounds at odd times. A careful
search revealed that Finder Sounds had re-activated with all the options turned on.
New Merchandise.
Perhaps you may have noticed that the Best of… table has some other new additions. For several months, we have had Image Writer ribbons available for $3.50. Also, introduced at the November meeting, was a 50-disk storage box for $7.00 each or $6.00 with each purchase of 10 Best of… disks.
We are still carrying a limited supply of
“Blank” AMUG disk labels. A strip of 3 costs only 50 cents. You fill in your own name and disk title. As of the time of this writing (Dec. 1), we plan to have introduced a neat Christmas stocking stuffer. By the